Canadian Credit Union Association

Our highly respected Credit Union Institute of Canada (CUIC) courses and programs have been developed in partnership with Dalhousie University and credit union experts. Credit unions across the country recognize the rigour of CUIC content and the exceptional experiences they create for learners. Many credit unions have incorporated the CUIC courses and programs into their position requirements. CUIC has been a trusted source of credit union focused training solutions since 1972.

Explore CUIC Offerings

In today’s business environment, continuous learning creates competitive advantage. Thousands of credit union employees choose a CUIC course or designation to support their work and increase their professional standing. CUIC cohort students report they have more than 100% greater confidence in their role, having completed a CUIC course and 90% would recommend the course to others. We also know that 56% of students who complete a CUIC course are doing so because they are working towards completion of a CUIC accreditation or designation.

“My career goals are to be in a management position in the future, this course is on the path to getting there.” CUIC 225 learner

View the CUIC at a Glance here

CUIC Courses

CUIC courses have been written for credit union employees, by credit union subject matter experts, guided by our academic partner Dalhousie University. Each course is divided into sections (modules) to make it easier to focus on one topic at a time. While the courses have been designed for self-study, almost 60% of our learners choose to study in a cohort. All CUIC courses require the learner to write an online, proctored exam, to successfully pass the course. The minimum passing grade for a CUIC course is 60%.

CUIC courses are available in three formats:


Register anytime and complete the course at your own pace. Write your exam within 12 months to earn your credit! Your final grade is based solely on the exam.


CUIC cohorts are 12-week, instructor-led online classes offered twice a year. The Spring cohort semester begins in March and ends with a final exam in June, and the Fall cohort semester begins in September and ends with a final exam in December. Your final grade is based on a combination of participation (10%), assignments (40%), and the final exam (50%).

“The most important thing I learned during my CUIC cohort was the ability to ask the right questions when conducting an interview with a member. I also learned the importance of being up to date on the policies and procedures for my credit union.” CUIC 210 cohort participant 2023.

Dedicated Cohort

All CUIC courses are available for a dedicated cohort delivery. Our team can customize the weekly discussion forums and other cohort details to ensure the unique needs of your team are met. Consider the added value of training your frontline in member service, consumer or business lending, or your senior team in strategic management. Past dedicated cohorts have reported an ROI of 1:40 when calculating skill gain and time savings compared to their investment. Get started today by connecting with a member of our team:

Click the links below to register for cohort or self-study sessions. Contact to arrange a dedicated cohort.

Note: CCUA Campus login is required to register. Don’t have an account? Email with your full name and credit union email address and they will set you up!

Courses available for registration:

CUIC CourseSelf-Study
(Begin anytime)
Fall 2025 Cohort
(Sep – Dec)
Spring 2025 Cohort
(Mar – June)
CUIC 185
Products and Services
Register NowRegister NowRegistration ended
CUIC 201
Credit Unions: Different by Design
Register NowRegister NowRegistration ended
CUIC 210
Consumer and Residential
Mortgage Lending
Register NowRegister NowRegistration ended
CUIC 225
Credit Union Financial Management
Register NowRegister NowFall Cohort only
CUIC 240
Fundamentals of Personal
Financial Planning
Register NowRegister NowRegistration ended
CUIC 315
Strategic Management for
Credit Union Professionals
Cohort onlyRegister NowFall Cohort only
CUIC 326
Human Resource Management
Cohort onlyTBDRegistration ended
CUIC 345
Business Lending
Register NowRegister NowRegistration ended
CUIC 346
Agricultural Lending
Register NowRegister NowFall Cohort only
CUIC 350
Commercial Real Estate Lending
Register NowRegister NowFall Cohort only

Learn more about the CUIC courses here

CUIC Programs

Completing a professional accreditation can offer numerous benefits that enhance both personal development and career progression. CUIC accreditations and designations provide recognition of the quality and credibility of one’s skills and knowledge, ensuring that they meet a defined standard of excellence. Completing a CUIC program can lead to higher earning potential because it highlights the true value and contribution a learner makes. Our member credit unions often tell us that CUIC programs offer tremendous value because learners acquire credit union specific skills and advanced knowledge relevant to their environment. Learners are better able to assist members, having completed a CUIC program. Professional accreditations are a strategic investment in a learner and in quality member service. 

Megan Daly

Manager, Business Banking, Business Banking with Westoba Credit Union

Through true dedication to professional development and a commitment to lifelong learning, Megan Daly has earned 2 new professional designations (FCUIC and ACUIC) from The Credit Union Institute of Canada (CUIC) and Dalhousie University.  

Megan was able to leverage recognition of prior learning for some of her college course and completed two 100 level courses through Dalhousie’s Faculty of Open Learning and Career Development, virtually. Megan has a passion for learning that is both inspiration and contagious. She is a role model for credit union learners from coast to coast.

Megan is also an Accredited Member Service Representative, an Accredited Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lender, and an Accredited Business Lender.  

When asked about her passion for learning, Megan said “I have a be better than yesterday mentality and can attribute most of my growth and success to that mindset.  I’m thankful to Westoba for contributing to and supporting me on my learning journey.”