We are the united voice for Canadian credit unions to governments across Canada. We are your strongest advocate, we create awareness and work in your best interests. Learn more about our advocacy efforts and the issues we’re fighting for on a national and provincial level.
For inquiries about our advocacy services please contact us at advocacy@ccua.com.
Our Issues
Stay up to date on issues identified as items of importance to the credit union sector
Sabena Sandhu

National and Federal
Stay up to date on CCUA’s Federal Government Relations efforts led by our Ottawa Office.
Michael Hatch
Stay up-to-date on CCUA’s Government Relations efforts in Saskatchewan.
Leslie Trobak
Sherrisse Kiefer
British Columbia
Stay up-to-date on CCUA’s Government Relations efforts in British Columbia.
Henry Han
Khris Singh
Stay up-to-date on CCUA’s Government Relations efforts in Ontario.
Learn more Ontario

Atlantic Provinces
Stay up-to-date on CCUA’s Government Relations efforts in the Atlantic provinces.
Jennifer English
Charlotte Moase