Canadian Credit Union Association

Canada’s credit unions put people above all. Whatever your hopes, dreams, needs, and wants are—that’s what we put first. Banking is just how we make it happen.

Credit unions provide traditional banking services

Credit unions are full-service financial co-operatives. Like other financial institutions, we provide chequing and savings accounts, mortgages, business loans and investment advice. Looking to start a registered savings plan? Invest in mutual funds? Bank online? Credit unions offer that too.

Credit unions are regulated & deposits are protected

Credit unions in Canada are either provincially or federally regulated. Regulators have oversight over individual credit unions; and credit unions are required to meet standards and work with public agencies to ensure they are among the country’s soundest financial institutions.

All provinces have deposit guarantee frameworks that provide credit union members with deposit protection equal to, or higher than, the big banks. In some provinces that coverage is unlimited. Learn more

Join over 11.3 million Canadians who trust their local credit union as their partner for day-to-day banking.

How are credit unions different from banks?

Credit unions contribute to our economic, social, and environmental well-being. Read our 2023 ESG Report to learn more about what sets credit unions apart from other financial institutions.

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