Canadian Credit Union Association

Governance training is crucial for the effective management and oversight of credit unions. It equips board members with the necessary skills and knowledge to fulfill their roles responsibly. Through such training, directors can gain a solid understanding of their duties, the legal landscape, and the ethical frameworks within which they operate.

Since its introduction in 1988, the Credit Union Director Achievement (CUDA) program has evolved with the complexity of the financial services industry and the sophistication of credit union member-owners. In today’s dynamic business environment, boards continually face evolving regulatory requirements, competitive forces, and emerging scrutiny. By prioritizing education and professional development, directors can ensure they are equipped to handle these challenges and support their credit union’s long-term success.

Governing Risk, Performance and Strategy: CUDA Level B

Governance training helps bridge this gap by providing insights into best practices in areas such as risk management, strategic planning, and board performance. Level B: Governance In Action ensures boards have a solid understanding of the evolving challenges and complexities facing today’s financial sector. Directors will participate in four expertly facilitated eClasses over the period of one month to complete Level B. Boards that promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement, ensuring their directors remain effective and engaged in the business at hand.  

Regulation and Accountability: CUDA Level C

Level C: Governance Application delivers the most current thinking about credit union corporate governance. Regulatory shifts can introduce new obligations, alter the risk landscape, or change the competitive environment, requiring boards to reassess and adapt their governance and oversight strategies. By proactive learning about governing credit risk and the critical role of the audit committee, directors can ensure their credit union remain compliant and competitive. Directors will participate in four expertly facilitated eClasses over the period of one month to complete Level C.

As the roles of credit union directors change, the CUDA program has shifted from primarily instructor-led, face-to-face delivery, to offer exactly what’s needed to keep up with competitors and directors’ busy schedules. It’s about creating strategic advantage and responsible governance for the entire Canadian credit union system.

Board Report Cards

Board report cards offer a quick and easy way to showcase the work of your board, and your individual directors. They are a snapshot of CUDA Program completion, offering data to support the total number of program graduates and the overall number of accredited directors serving on your board. Board report cards are produced and sent to credit unions twice per year. A board report card can be requested by emailing at any time.

Compare the CUDA Program with other governance training programs

What started as a program created for credit unions, by the credit union system has evolved into a nationally recognized governance training solution. The CUDA program aligns with other governance training programs to meet the unique needs of your board. Our Governance Advisory Group ensure the CUDA program remains relevant for the work of today’s boards, easy for directors to find and engage, and preferred as the foundational training for credit union board of directors’ coast to coast.

# of Modules, Sessions, or LevelsTime CommitmentCredit Union Specific ContentCertificate and/or DesignationUniversity BackedCase-Study or Simulation ActivitiesBudget Requirements
The Credit Union Director Achievement (CUDA) Program340 hours. Self-paced and facilitated sessionsYesYes – ACCUDYesYes$5529 including exam fee
The Directors College5125 hours of learning over 2-3 daysNoYes – C.DirYesYes$22,400 – $26,400
Governance Solutions6Several 90-minute sessions over 3 monthsNoYes – Pro.DirNoYes$5970 + exam fee
The Institute of Corporate Directors412 daysNoYes – ICD.DYesYes$20,950 + application fee
CUES Governance Leadership Institute I622 hours of facilitated learningYesYes – CCDYesYes$8905 – $10,660 based on membership level
CUES Governance Leadership Institute II: Emerging Technologies813.5 hours of facilitated learningYesYes – A.CCDYesYes$6945 – $8365 based on membership level

Download a copy of the CUDA Program Brochure here.

ICD Strategic Alliance

CCUA and the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) have formed a strategic alliance. This provides the directors from our member credit unions with access to the ICD’s world-class education, tools and resources and peer-to-peer networking events. These activities further enhance the board member’s ability to serve as a director, effectively. Directors with ICD membership are able to grow professionally, stay connected, and be better informed. Learn more about ICD here.