Canadian Credit Union Association

September 7, 2021 Competitive Intelligence Update

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Mogo launches new climate action initiative

On August 25 Mogo announced it will plant a tree every time a customer makes a purchase with their MogoCard.

Pandemic Trends: Retirement planning and household debt Concerns around outliving retirement savings have reached their highest level in a decade

Canadians have paid down their non-mortgage debt at the fastest pace in 30 years.

Canadians now owe almost $2 trillion in mortgage and HELOC debt combined.

Canadians’ plans to apply for new credit within the next year. Overall household savings experienced significant growth through 2020, reaching the highest level since this has been tracked by Statistics Canada.

Forrester: Four primary investor segments in Canada Forrester uses the “self-directedness” variable to divide investors into four primary groups: self-directed, validators, delegators, and disengaged. See above for infographic explaining the different attitudes to investing.

Research Research available from Conference Board of Canada and Filene