Canadian Credit Union Association

Customer Service Accessibility Policy Statement

The Canadian Credit Union Association (CCUA) is committed to providing equal access to persons with disabilities with respect to the use and access to CCUA’s goods and services.  Customer service policies will be developed that respect and promote the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.  CCUA’s customers include the members of public or other third parties.  This policy does not apply to services provided to or for employees.

Providing goods and services to persons with disabilities

Reasonable efforts will be made to carry out functions and responsibilities in the following areas: 


CCUA will communicate with persons with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. Communication options include email, mail, fax, or if required in person, if telephone communication is not suitable to their communication needs or is not available.

Assistive devices

When accessing our goods and services, persons can use their own personal assistive devices. In circumstances where access is not possible, CCUA will work with the individual to:

  • Assess service options to meet the
    individual’s needs
  • Identify alternate services, either
    temporary or permanent.


CCUA will provide accessible documentation (or access to the information contained within the document) in a format that takes into account the person’s disability. The format to be used will be mutually agreed upon.


Use of service animals and support persons

Persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a service animal or support person shall be permitted to enter the premises and be accompanied by their service animal or support person.  

Staff, contractors, and others dealing with the public will be trained in how to interact with persons accompanied by a service animal or person.

Training for staff

Training will be provided to all employees and contractors on accessible customer service and how to interact with people with different disabilities.

Feedback process

The goal is to meet and surpass customer expectations while serving customers with disabilities. Comments on our services regarding how well those expectations are being met are welcome. Upon request, CCUA will provide or arrange for accessible document formats and communication supports to facilitate customer feedback. 

Feedback will be reviewed to identify actions that can be taken to improve CCUA’s service. Where possible, we will address complaints within 10 business days. Feedback is available:

Canadian Credit Union Association

45 O’Conner Street, Suite 860
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4

Implementation and Monitoring Methodology

Annual Policy Review

Associated Procedures or References:

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, ONTARIO REGULATION 191/11 Integrated Accessibility Standards

Notice of Temporary Disruption


Timely notice shall be provided when a temporary disruption of the facilities or services (planned or unplanned) occurs at CCUA.  Notice will include information on:

▪ the reason for the disruption;
▪ length of time the disruption is expected to last;
▪ description of any alternative facilities or services available (if any);
▪ individual to contact for assistance.

Where a service disruption is unavoidable CCUA will:
▪ post a notice at the location;
▪ provide notice on the CCUA website.


There are currently no planned or known service disruptions.

Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation

Policy and Commitment Statement [document to come]
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan [document to come]

Inquiries under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA)”

While we are committed to enhancing our website to be accessible to persons of all abilities, we are still working through this process and recognize our website may have accessibility barriers.

If you require a website document or information which is not accessible, please contact us. We also welcome feedback to identify actions that can be taken to improve CCUA’s website. Where possible, we will address comments or complaints within 10 business days. Feedback is available:

  • via email:
  • by mail:
    Canadian Credit Union Association
    45 O’Conner Street, Suite 860
    Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4
    Attn: Human Resources Department