Our committees and working groups play an important role in connecting credit unions, Centrals and our strategic partner organizations. Each committee provides a collaborative forum for the exchange of knowledge and information enabling our members to provide strategic input to the work of the association.
The purpose of this group is to advocate for positive regulatory environment for British Columbia credit unions, and demonstrate, share and support best GR practices (including but not limited to relationship building with local MPs, MLAs, and senior municipal elected officials).
The purpose of the committee is to advocate for a positive regulatory environment for small and mid-sized credit unions in British Columbia. It will demonstrate, share and support best GR practices (including but not limited to relationship building with local MPs, MLAs, and senior municipal elected officials). The group will coordinate British Columbia credit union advocacy statements on specific financial service regulatory issues; coordinate GR with media relations and public affairs activities and liaise with our respective credit unions for input to policy.
The purpose of the Climate Action Working Group is to develop and publicize measurements that credit unions may use to track and disclose their portfolios’ carbon-emissions impact, joining other leading financial institutions worldwide.
It consists of 15 – 20 credit union representatives, including interested participants from outside the Community Impact Committee.
The role of this group is to exchange resources and best practices on communications-related topics. The group’s discussions will improve collaboration across the system and bring new ideas to the forefront. Each member joining this group will be a credit union representative operating, most likely, in a management role in communications. Learn more.
The purpose the CIC is to act as a link between credit unions and the Canadian Credit Union Association as a management advisory committee. The CIC also provides expert guidance, advice and perspective to CCUA Management on issues relating to credit union community impact; and acts as a forum at the national level for discussion and planning regarding credit union community impact initiatives and events. Learn more
The purpose of the group is to provide a coordinated approach to prevent issues from developing into crises, proactively manage communications during a crisis and safeguard the sector’s integrity and reputation. Learn More.
The national DEI working group assembles industry professionals from all tiers of the system to engage in meaningful conversations and discuss approaches to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace and community.
The FCC was established to provide regular, direct communications and discussions between senior FCC and credit union system representatives relating to issues and opportunities of mutual interest.
The Liaison Committee explores areas of collaboration, information sharing regarding agricultural lending, as well as Canadian agricultural policy. The Committee holds, at least, two meetings annually. The Liaison Committee has also sponsored meetings between FCC and credit unions in most provinces over the past two years. This engagement has resulted in increased co-operation, credit union-FCC co-lending, referral business and joint learning events involving credit unions, FCC and credit union members.” The Liaison Committee has also established an Issue Resolution Process that seeks to clarify and address extraordinary concerns credit unions (and FCC) may have about activities in the market.
The purpose of the Federal Financial Institutions Advisory Committee (FFIAC) is to provide a forum for discussion among credit union system entities that are federally regulated financial institutions, have a federally regulated subsidiary (FRFIs), or are in the process of becoming FRFIs. The Committee will provide strategic advice and input to CCUA’s Management and Board regarding federal legislative, regulatory and policy issues that impact cooperative sector FRFIs and work with the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Advisory Committee (LRAC) to guide the advocacy approach to these issues.
The purpose of the working group is to serve as a forum for discussion, development and advice on behalf of credit unions of opportunities to enhance Each One, Teach One as a national financial literacy program.
The objective is to create a network of HR professionals to share issues and best practices, discuss relevant research and thought leadership as well as identify areas for future collaboration.
The Large Credit Union Coalition (LCUC) represents Canada’s largest Credit Unions with over 3 million members and $125 billion in assets, with credit unions in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
The goal of the LCUC’s CIO group, is to use their collective knowledge and national presence to provide technology leadership and innovation to enrich the financial lives of their members and strengthen the competitiveness of Canadian credit unions.
The coalition has developed and implemented multiple projects like remote cheque deposits, mobile payments, etc. Currently, the LCUC is focusing its energy in the areas of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, payments modernization and other technology and innovation related areas.
CCUA, in partnership with the LCUC, has recently launched a cybersafe resources page with videos and tips to help keep you safe online.
The purpose of the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Advisory Committee (LRAC) is to provide credit union system perspectives, advice, and input to CCUA Management regarding legislative, regulatory and policy issues that impact credit unions, their membership, and CCUA’s advocacy approach. Learn more
The NCAC will provide CCUA with strategic advice and input regarding regulatory and compliance issues that impact credit unions. The NCAC acts as a resource to CCUA in the development of national compliance programs and development initiatives. The NCAC also provides a forum for CCUA to gather credit union input in the development of federal government submissions and advocacy efforts.
The purpose the National Business Banking and Retail Lending Committee is to act in a strategic capacity to enhance the viability of member organizations by providing thought leadership in lending and loan investment areas, through the promotion of quality asset growth and operational efficiencies. The committee also provides a forum at the national level for discussion and planning regarding lending and business relationship management initiatives as well as supports the efforts of the CCUA’s government relations work and the projects of the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Advisory Committee as they relate to credit policy and lending initiatives.
The purpose of the group is to deliver learning opportunities to young system leaders, advocate for them, and foster meaningful system partnerships. We provide communication platforms for Young Leaders to interact with one another, system leaders, committees, and organizations. Most NYLC members are recipients of CCUA’s National Young Leaders Award or the World Young Credit Union People (WYCUP) Award. Learn more
The purpose of this group is to advocate for positive regulatory environment for Ontario credit unions; demonstrate, share and support best GR practices (including but not limited to relationship building with local MPs, MPPs, and senior municipal elected officials).
The purpose of the ETCC is to provide a forum for discussion among credit union system partners to ensure agreement on our sector’s positions and that they are brought forward to the four federal open banking working groups (WGs) – accreditation, privacy, liability and security; to support regulatory and legislative alignment across provinces and the federal framework; and to inform and support CCUA’s government advocacy positions on open banking.
The purpose the Education Advisory Committee is to provide advice and recommendations to management of CCUA’s Education & Professional Development team on the training, professional development, and education needs of the Canadian credit union system. It provides advice on ways in which we can best meet these needs in a manner consistent with the objectives and budget parameters; and generally, promote the growth, development, and utilization of CCUA’s courses and programs in the Canadian credit union system. Learn more
The purpose of the provincial open banking working groups is to identify potential regulatory and legislative barriers that may impact credit union participation in the open banking framework. Groups have been created in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, and the Atlantic region.
The Council advises the research team and management on the direction and development of CCUA’s research offerings. This includes providing input into topics for Competitive Intelligence Updates and MarketSmarts, directing the focus of the annual major research project, providing suggestions for the products and services questionnaire, and providing input regarding CCUA’s research subscriptions. Learn more
The advisory group will advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment for Saskatchewan credit unions; demonstrate, share and support government relations and advocacy practices (including but not limited to relationship building with local MPs, MLAs, senior government officials and other key stakeholder groups).