If you’re a lender in your credit union interested in earning credits towards accreditation, be sure to register for these two courses below! CCUA Campus account required.
Applied Residential Mortgage Lending: Through reading, interactive discussions and carefully crafted, credit union-based case studies, this course will position learners to build stronger relationships with members. After completing the course, learners will be able to identify potential business opportunities within mortgage applications resulting in greater market share in this key line of business. This course is suitable for consumer lenders who have completed CUIC 210 and those who want to increase their level of confidence when dealing with mortgage loan applicants. Sessions start May 15!
This is a required course for students who are enrolled in the Accredited Consumer and Residential Mortgage Lender program.
Advanced Business Lending: Using exercises and complex, credit union-based case studies, you will gain the knowledge and skills required to meet the challenges faced by individuals with a more senior level of responsibility. The course’s case studies focus business lenders on more advanced deals including the non-traditional SME borrower and syndicated lending. This course is suitable for experienced business lenders, or those who are taking on more complex files in the business portfolio. Sessions start June 26!
This is a required course for students who are enrolled in the Accredited Business Lender program.
Please contact clientsolutions@ccua.com with any questions!